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Workshop 02: Grasshopper Plugins – Part 1

Workshop 02: Grasshopper Plugins – Part 1

| On 30, Sep 2015

Digital Futures Workshop Series
Fall 2015

Pratt Institute
School of Undergraduate Architecture

Workshop 02
Grasshopper Plugins – Part 1
Meshes, Simulation and Form-Finding

Location: HHS 111
Date + Time: Sat, 2015.10.03, 12-4pm
Conductor: David Mans

Description: This workshop is composed of a series of stand alone one hour sessions, each focusing on a single new or recently updated toolset for Grasshopper. During each 1 hour session a plugin will be introduced, and the fundamentals of their function and workflows will be explained. This will be followed by a showcase of one complete walkthrough of one unique process from each plugin. The sessions in this workshop will be focused around creation of form and surface through simulation and subdivisional modeling.


Kangaroo: Physics simulation and form finding (12pm)
With the recent launch of Kangaroo 2, this session will show the new goals based workflow, the dramatically increased performance, and the new solver features which make this plugin a powerhouse for form finding, and geometric optimization. The workflow will show how to build up forced based surface relaxation and run a basic planar optimization on the form resulting in a panelized form ready for fabrication.

Smart Tools: Geometric and Spatial Analysis (1pm)
Buro Happold Engineers Smart Form and Smart Space tools bring accurate and fast analysis and form finding to grasshopper through a simple and easy to understand workflow. This session will show how to simulated a catenary surface, analyze its geometric properties, and apply that data to drive a parametric response. Additionally, the new smart space tools will be previewed, highlighting the new ability to analyze travel distances, and view quality within spaces.

Cocoon:  Sculptural Mesh modeling (2pm)
Modeling complex, clean, and 3d printable meshes has never been so easy. Cocoon for grasshopper introduces an interface for wrapping and merging point, surface, and cures with a smooth mesh shell. Allowing for the creation of highly detailed and stable models though the merging and carving of forms with a simple and intuitive interface.

Mesh+: Mesh Effects and Mapping (3pm)
The release of m+2 introduces several new workflows for the population of mesh models with custom and variable geometry. From reliefs, to woven meshes, to triply periodic surfaces m+ introduces a large library of variable and easy to deploy effects. This session will focus on variable and fully customizable surface patterning.

Requirements: Participants are required to bring a laptop with Rhino 5.0 installed on their laptops and download and install the latest version of grasshopper and additional plug-ins.

Questions or Comments: Please contact us at –

Downloads: Please download workshop files before the start of the workshop.

DF Workshop 02: Sample Files



