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Workshop: 05 Maxwell / Photoshop

Workshop: 05 Maxwell / Photoshop

| On 05, Apr 2013

Digital Futures Workshop Series

Pratt Institute
School of Undergraduate Architecture

Workshop 05
Visualization / Rendering
Part 02: Maxwell / Photoshop

Location: HHS 111
Date + Time: 2013.04.06, 12-3pm
Conductor: Sebastian Misiurek + Scott Sorenson

Requirements: Participants must bring a laptop with the following software installed prior to the workshop:

Description: The workshop will serve as a continuation into rendering / visualization techniques through the use of image post-processing in photoshop. Topics covered will include editing architectural renderings via meta data, alpha channels, material id layers. The editing will cover how to produce artificial lighting, add environments(sky, grass, etc.) and adding life to your renderings with people and objects. Emphasis will be placed on revealing the basic fundamentals of the process of setting up images from renderings and through the compositing of many layers  to produce great images.

Rendering Resources

Questions or Comments: Please contact us at –

Downloads: Please download workshop files before the start of the workshop.


DF_Visualization_02_0406_2 (psd)
