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digital futures | July 27, 2024

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Workshop Series: Fall 2015

Workshop Series: Fall 2015

| On 03, Sep 2015

Digital Futures Workshop Series: Fall 2015

Workshop 01: Intro to Grasshopper – Part 1 & Part 2 – Sat 9/12 & Sun 9/13 – 12pm-2pm – HHS 111
Workshop 02: New GH Plugins – Part 1 – Sat 10/03 – 12pm-4pm – HHS 111
Workshop 03: New GH Plugins – Part 2 – Sat 10/10 – 12pm-4pm – HHS 111
Workshop 04: Ladybug – Sat 10/24 – 12pm-3pm – HHS 111
Workshop 05: Visualization – VR and Animation – Sat 11/07 – 12pm-2pm – HHN 304
Workshop 06: Grimshaw Hackathon – 11/14 – 10am-10pm – Grimshaw Architects

All workshops are open to all Pratt Students and Faculty.


In addition to this we have set the studio contact hrs with digital experts.
During these times Undergraduate Architecture students can request an appointment for additional assistance by contacting us at

df expert one on one contact times:
Sebastian Misiurek <> : Monday 2-6pm
David Mans <> : Friday 5-8pm
Scott Sorenson <> : Friday 2-6pm
Ben Howes <>: Tuesday 3-6pm

df Workshop Series: Fall 2015 – Poster PDF

