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Workshop 02: Topo/Graphic

Workshop 02: Topo/Graphic

| On 16, Sep 2013

Digital Futures Workshop Series
Fall 2013

Pratt Institute
School of Undergraduate Architecture

Workshop 02

Location: HHS 111
Date + Time: 2013.09.21, 12-3pm
Conductor: Scott Sorenson + Benjamin Hait

Requirements: Participants are required to bring a laptop with the latest service release of Rhino 5.0 and download the latest Grasshopper build prior to the workshop. The latest build can be found at

Description: This workshop will explore various ways of modeling and manipulating geometry based on topographical information of proposed architectural sites. We will move from creating digital models in rhino and look at different ways of preparing files for fabrication using the lasercutter.

Questions or Comments: Please contact us at –

Downloads: Please download workshop files before the start of the workshop.


Workshop 02 – poster PDF

