Workshop: Maxwell Render
Sebastian Misiurek | On 21, Oct 2011
Digital Futures Workshop Series
Pratt Institute
School of Undergraduate Architecture
Visualization 01: Rendering in Maxwell
Location: HHS 111
Date + Time: 2011.10.22, 2-4pm
Conductor: Sebastian Misiurek
Requirements: Participants are required to bring a laptop with Rhino 4.0 (SR8), Maxwell Render (v2.5+)and Maxwell Plug-in for Rhino installed.
Description: The workshop will serve as an introduction to rendering with Maxwell. Topics covered will include configuring options/settings, lighting, basic materials and setting up of exterior scenes. Emphasis will be placed on revealing the basic fundamentals of the process of setting up renderings, to ensure successful results while rendering with Maxwell.
Maxwell Render is a rendering engine based on the mathematical equations governing light transport, meaning that all elements, such as emitters, materials and cameras, are derived from physically accurate models. Maxwell Render is unbiased, so no tricks are used to calculate the lighting solution in every pixel of a scene; the result will always be a correct solution, as it would be in the real world. Maxwell Render can fully capture all light interactions between all elements in a scene, and all lighting calculations are performed using spectral information and high dynamic range data.
Downloads: Please download the files before the start of the workshop
image credit: Maxwell/Asymptote Architects