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Workshop 05: 3D Scanning

Workshop 05: 3D Scanning

| On 15, Oct 2014

Digital Futures Workshop Series
Fall 2014

Pratt Institute
School of Undergraduate Architecture

Workshop 05
3D Scanning

Location: HHS 111
Date + Time: 2014.10.18, 12-2pm
Conductor: Scott Sorenson

Description: This workshop will serve as an introduction to 3D scanning as it relates to architecture design, analysis and speculation via kinect + 3D scanning software. It will cover how to generate 3D scans, how to refine / edit 3D results and how to output for various applications – fabrication, modeling, analysis, post production or other.

Requirements: Participants are required to bring a laptop with the latest service release of Rhino 5.0 and Artec Studio for Kinect.

Microsoft Kinect (provided)
Artec Studio for Kinect (free trial available)

Questions or Comments: Please contact us at –

Downloads: Please download workshop files before the start of the workshop.
3D Scanning Workshop Files

df Fa14 Workshop05 – Poster PDF

